How to improve your credit score and what is it?

How to improve your credit score

Credit score: What is it, what does it mean, and how can it be improved: Credit scores are a number based on a mathematical analysis of a person’s credit history, which in theory indicates a person’s creditworthiness, which is the likelihood that they will be able to pay their bills in the future.

A credit score is a rating between 300 and 850 points, which is used to determine whether or not a person will repay a debt within a specified period of time.

When deciding whether or not to lend money to someone, a credit score is used. In the case of a low credit score, entities may not want to lend you money. However, if you have a high score, you will have a greater chance of receiving more money.

Most models used to measure credit scores range from 300 to 850 points.

A credit score of 700 or above is generally considered good. A score of 800 or higher in that range is considered excellent. The average credit score is between 600 and 750. Creditors can be more confident that you will pay your debt as agreed if you have a higher credit score.

Lenders, such as banks that provide home loans, credit card companies, and even auto dealers that finance car purchases, use credit scores to decide whether or not to offer you credit (such as a credit card). (such as interest rate and down payment) and what the terms of the offer will be. There are different kinds of credit scores. There are several types of credit scores, including FICO® Scores and VantageScore Scores, as well as industry-specific scores.

Types and Models of Credit Scores

You can get a different credit score from each of the different credit scoring models. Each of the three major credit bureaus ( Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion ) use its own model to calculate your credit score. In addition, the offices worked together to develop the VantageScore. The most widely used credit scoring model in the United States is the one developed by FICO, one of the most well-known companies for credit scoring. Different credit scoring models may also be used by banks and other screening services.

Regularly, credit bureaus and FICOs release new versions of their credit scoring models. New models are often slow to be adopted, so many lenders continue to use older models.

There are various credit scoring models.

For example, there are different types of credit scores. The FICO score is the most commonly used scoring model by lenders, and the VantageScore is another important one. Depending on the credit bureau that provides the information, the scores you receive may vary. Because each agency has slightly different data, each source has a different score.

Different scores for different purposes: In addition to variety, there are different types of credit scores. There are specialized FICO scores for buying a car and getting a credit card, for instance. Lenders can also design their own scores that they use internally.

Scores evolve: In addition, credit scoring models change over time, so you may also have different types of scores. FICO Score 9 is the most recent version of the score (although FICO Score 8 is still widely used) and VantageScore 4.0 is the most recent version of the VantageScore.

Factors that affect your credit score

The different types of data are weighted in slightly different ways in each of these types of scores. However, there are a few general factors that you should consider when calculating your scores. Payment history is a significant factor in both the FICO and VantageScore models, but they also consider other factors.

The credit score creators do not share details of how they calculate scores, but they do provide estimates of what factors are most important.

The components of your FICO score

Five factors determine your FICO credit score: Payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, new credit, and credit mix. Each factor accounts for a different percentage of your credit score.

As opposed to your FICO Score, your VantageScore is composed of 6 key components that differ slightly from those in your FICO Score.

Components of VantageScore

Based on your payment history, credit age/mix, credit utilization, new credit, balance, and available credit, your VantageScore is calculated. Payment history is the most important factor (41%), while available credit is the least important (2%).

Payment history: Credit scores are designed to predict whether you will make payments on time, so it’s not surprising that late payments lower your credit score. You need to pay your bills on time if you want the best scores.

Credit Utilization Ratio, Total Debt, and Available Credit: The less debt you have, the less risk you take as a borrower. The credit utilization ratio shows how much credit you are using. Credit scoring models penalize you if you use a large percentage of your available credit (for example, maxing out your credit cards). Your credit card balances should be between 10% and 20% of your credit limit – the lower, the better.

Age and length of credit history: Lenders believe that you will continue to make timely payments if you have a long history of successful loans. It may take time to build credit, but if you make on-time payments, your scores should improve over time. The age of your credit history is determined by several factors, including the age of your oldest and most recent accounts and the average age of all your accounts.

WARNING: When closing your oldest credit card account, be careful to maintain a good credit score. Removing credit cards can negatively impact your credit history and utilization ratio. It may be worth the effort to keep an open card active by making a small purchase every few months, such as filling up the tank of gas, as long as it doesn’t tempt you to run up debt. 

Credit Mix: The scoring models consider the types of loans you use or have used in the past, including credit cards, auto loans, home loans, and more. Lenders like to see that you can handle a variety of different types of loans.

Recent and new credit: You may be experiencing financial difficulties if you open new credit accounts quickly, leading to a drop in your credit score. The fewer recent credit inquiries you have, the better your credit score will be.

How do you determine a good credit score?

The average credit score is between 300 and 850. A higher score increases your chances of being approved for loans and qualifying for the best interest rates.

FICO credit score
Very good740-799
Underunder 580
Credit Score VantageScore
Very badUnder 550

Are you affected by your credit score?

There is no doubt that your credit score and rating can affect various aspects of your financial life. The following are the most frequent effects.

The application for credit cards.

It is your credit score that determines whether the request will be approved and what interest rate will be applied. The lower your FICO credit score, the higher the interest rate.

Housing rental

Several large real estate companies use FICO scores to approve or deny rental applications. Without a good credit score, individuals or small realtors may be the only ones who can rent to them.

Insurance for cars

When it comes to determining how much a car insurance policy will cost, insurers rely on the insurance score. Credit history is one factor, as well as a driver’s accident history and insurance history.

Phone bills and utilities (public services)

Electricity, telephone, cable or water providers may use a credit score to determine whether to require, as a condition of providing the service, payment in advance or the consignment of a deposit. There is also a possibility that the service will be more expensive.


Without a good FICO score, you have a hard time getting a home loan or mortgage. You will need to find a local bank, credit union, or small lender that uses manual underwriting instead of FICO scores in these cases. As part of the underwriting manual, the time that the person has paid monthly bills such as rent, cellular phone or public services before they are due is taken into account.

Car Loans

Dealers approve customers with a good credit score more easily and with better financial conditions, although the criteria upon which they base their decisions extends beyond the FICO score.

Low credit score and history and how it can affect job opportunities

A company cannot turn someone away for a job based on their credit score. However, if the company believes that a candidate has an unacceptable credit history, it can choose not to hire them.

A credit history used for employment purposes is known in English as an employment credit report, and it contains information such as the amount of debt owed on mortgages, student loans, cars, credit cards, etc., in addition to payment history. The FICO score is not included, however.

In 11 states of the United States, credit reports without the express consent of the individual applying for the job are illegal.

How to improve your credit score?

You’ll find plenty of tips and tricks on how to improve your credit score (and we’ll get to them in a bit). However, nothing you see, hear, or read on the subject will affect your credit score sooner or more effectively than paying your bills on time and using your credit cards responsibly.

  • Check your credit report: You are entitled to one free credit report per year from each of the three credit reporting agencies, and requesting one won’t affect your credit score. Carefully review your report. If you find any errors, dispute them. That’s your best shot at repairing your credit. Immediately after reporting incorrect or outdated information to a credit reporting agency, your score will improve.
  • Set payment reminders: Write down the due dates for each bill in a planner or calendar and set online reminders. Your credit score can be raised within a few months if you pay your bills on time consistently.
  • Pay your bills more than once in a billing cycle: If you can afford it, pay your bills every two weeks instead of once a month. Lowering your credit utilization will definitely improve your credit score.
  • Contact your creditors right away: If you cannot pay your monthly bills due to missed payment deadlines, set up a payment plan right away. Late payments and high outstanding balances can be alleviated if you address the issue quickly.
  • Apply for new credit sparingly: If you open multiple new accounts in a short period of time, even though your total credit limit increases, it will hurt your credit score.
  • Do not close unused credit cards: Your credit history matters, and a longer history is better. When closing credit accounts, close the newest ones first.
  • Be careful paying off old debts: When a debt is “paid off” by the creditor, it means the creditor does not expect any future payments. Making a payment on a cancelled account reactivates the debt and lowers your credit score. A collection agency is often involved here.
  • Pay off “limited” credit cards first:  The first step to lowering your credit utilization rate is to pay off the credit card that owes you the most, or the one that is closest to your credit limit.
  • Diversify your accounts: Your credit mix – mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards – accounts for 10% of your credit score. As long as you make your payments on time, adding another item to the mix is beneficial to your credit score.
  • The Quick Loan Shop: If you have bad credit and can’t find another way to improve your score, you might consider taking out a “quick loan.” These are loans for small amounts – from $250 to $1,000 – that are reported on your payment history to the credit bureaus, and can end up improving your score. As a last resort, this is the only option.
  • Check if you qualify for a 0% interest card: There are a number of credit cards with 0% interest on balances, but there are caveats. Transferring balances may be subject to a fee and zero percent offers are usually valid for 12 to 18 months only. An excellent credit score is usually required to qualify for one of these loans.
  • Consolidate your debts by plan: When you enrol in a debt consolidation program, your credit score may temporarily drop, however as long as you make payments on time, you’ll improve quickly and you’ll eliminate the debt that’s holding you back. That’s how you started having problems.

How do you check your credit score?

How do you check your credit score?

By going to sites like,, or, you can check your credit score for free and as many times as you need. An inquiry like this is not considered a “hard inquiry” or a hard credit check, so it will not affect the credit score. Obtaining a credit check lets each individual know how their credit is doing in general.
Through the application of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003, the United States government makes it possible to obtain a free copy of your credit report once a year from Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion through

The six best tips for improving your credit score

1.Understanding your credit score is crucial

It’s helpful to know what your credit score is. Data credit Experian provides the tool to find out a person’s credit score and the factors affecting it. By understanding these factors, you will be better able to determine what changes you need to make in your behaviour towards your financial obligations. In turn, you will be able to begin improving your score. Be aware that these adjustments take some time to be reported by the financial entities with whom you have products.

2.Make sure you pay your debts on time

Your credit score is the result of your financial discipline. Always pay your bills on time. Late payments negatively affect your credit score. It’s always a good idea to use the tools and resources available to you, such as automatic debits and reminders, to help you meet your obligations. Bring up to date any payments you are behind on. Habeas Data Law states that the term of permanence of negative data is reduced if it is updated as soon as possible.

3.Open new credit accounts only when necessary

Keep in mind that opening too many obligations won’t improve your credit score, while unnecessary credit can harm it. Because of this, it is important to plan ahead before applying for and opening a new credit obligation. If not, the extra expense could lead to insurmountable debt.

4.Don’t borrow more than you can afford

Keep credit card balances and other forms of revolving credit low. Your credit utilization is another important factor in determining your credit score. As a result, keep your balances low, as this indicates to financial institutions that you are adept at managing your credit.

5.Manage your credit score

You can get better interest rates with a good credit score. Check your credit report and credit score regularly. You will have limited access to credit if you do not currently have a credit history. You need to start building a credit score from products and small debts in order to generate information about your payment behaviour.

6.You can access your credit history online

Since March 2020,, an online credit history provider in Colombia, offers Colombians the option of accessing their credit history electronically and free of charge in addition to the different channels offered by DataCredit Experian.

Did you find these tips useful?  According to Juan Camilo Gonzáles, a professor at the Externado University of Colombia, your credit score shows banks and businesses how well you keep up with your financial obligations. If your credit score is low, you are less likely to access credit, and if it is high, financial institutions are more likely to grant you a loan.

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